Welcome Xcellator

We, unlike robots, do not work only with our brains. We are humans with an uncanny love for technology and immense love for solutions.

Passion for the work we do continuously inspire us to be more and more involved. Adapting to changes help us keep up with latest trends. Our values have, on the other hand, kept us strongly rooted:

  • Mission


    To be among top 10 global digital service companies within 2025

  • Vision


    To make a digitally empowered world

  • Philosophy


    We win, when our customers win

  • Motto


    Create value, to be valued


Adhering to high ethical & corporate governance standards that promote an environment of trust, accountability, honesty and upholding of legal and moral obligations to maintain confidentiality.


A cohesive dynamic team that is focused on consistently delivering superior results and exceptional customer services on time. We work for excellence.


Understanding the differences in social backgrounds, perceptions, and contributions for harmonious collaboration and synergy among all individuals and treating each quality with dignity and courtesy.

Create Value:

We believe – create value to be valued. This invariably means that our value is dependent on what we create for others. Responsive and consistently delivering excellence by helping them Save Smarter & Grow Faster.

Innovate Everyday:

We anticipate future needs - enabling us to enhance our capabilities and remain relevant to client's business requirements under changing business conditions. We create new ideas, share it & strive to turn it into a reality and opportunities that benefit the industry at large.

Love Technology:

This passionate involvement differentiates us from others. We are madly, deeply, absolutely in love with what we do. Surpassing client expectations & achieving new heights of business excellence by leveraging cutting-edge technology and pioneering innovative solution that delivers distinct competitive advantage.